These options let you choose how many sample slots to display at a time. The Material Editor always has 24 sample slots available. You can choose to display fewer sample slots at a larger size. When you do, scroll bars let you move around among the sample slots. 3 X 2 Specifies a 3 x 2 array of sample slots. (The default: 6 windows.) 5 X 3. Click a sample slot to make it active. Be careful not to click the sample slot of a material you want to use later. On the Compact Material Editor toolbar, click (Get Material). 3ds Max opens a modeless Material/Map Browser. Suncruz casino port richey fl. SP is probably best to be thought of as a photoshop replacement for texture creation. Being able to 'paint' on multiple channels in one go is invaluable. More artist driven. Steeeeeeeep learning curve. AE is more like an animated photoshop. Youve got a big pile of learning to do there my friend!
This happens if you're using the Compact Material Editor and the Channel Name in the Map Output Selector isn't set. So all you need to do is set that to Col and the material will now show in the material editor.
The Map Output Selector gets automatically added between the map slot and the OSL Map when you create it. For background see the 2nd note on the Open Shading Language (OSL) page in the online help.
In case you use the Slate Material Editor the Map Output Selector is hidden and the different outputs are shown as outputs
If you change between different OSL files which don't provide the same outputs sometimes the material editor gets confused, the quickest way to resolve that is to manually change the Channel Name (Compact Material Editor) or reconnect the OSL output to the material input.
If youn use the Arnold renderer make sure to use an Arnold Standard Surface instead of a Standard material!
In the first sample slot the Channel Name is not set and therefore it doesn't show the map:
The second sample slot has the Channel Name set to Col and all is fine:
How To Get More Material Slots In 3ds Max Walkthrough
These options let you choose how many sample slots to display at a time. The Material Editor always has 24 sample slots available. You can choose to display fewer sample slots at a larger size. When you do, scroll bars let you move around among the sample slots. 3 X 2 Specifies a 3 x 2 array of sample slots. (The default: 6 windows.) 5 X 3. Click a sample slot to make it active. Be careful not to click the sample slot of a material you want to use later. On the Compact Material Editor toolbar, click (Get Material). 3ds Max opens a modeless Material/Map Browser. Suncruz casino port richey fl. SP is probably best to be thought of as a photoshop replacement for texture creation. Being able to 'paint' on multiple channels in one go is invaluable. More artist driven. Steeeeeeeep learning curve. AE is more like an animated photoshop. Youve got a big pile of learning to do there my friend!
This happens if you're using the Compact Material Editor and the Channel Name in the Map Output Selector isn't set. So all you need to do is set that to Col and the material will now show in the material editor.
The Map Output Selector gets automatically added between the map slot and the OSL Map when you create it. For background see the 2nd note on the Open Shading Language (OSL) page in the online help.
In case you use the Slate Material Editor the Map Output Selector is hidden and the different outputs are shown as outputs
If you change between different OSL files which don't provide the same outputs sometimes the material editor gets confused, the quickest way to resolve that is to manually change the Channel Name (Compact Material Editor) or reconnect the OSL output to the material input.
If youn use the Arnold renderer make sure to use an Arnold Standard Surface instead of a Standard material!
In the first sample slot the Channel Name is not set and therefore it doesn't show the map:
The second sample slot has the Channel Name set to Col and all is fine:
How To Get More Material Slots In 3ds Max Walkthrough
How To Get More Material Slots In 3ds Max Free
This happens if you're using the Compact Material Editor and the Channel Name in the Map Output Selector isn't set. So all you need to do is set that to Col and the material will now show in the material editor.
The Map Output Selector gets automatically added between the map slot and the OSL Map when you create it. For background see the 2nd note on the Open Shading Language (OSL) page in the online help.
In case you use the Slate Material Editor the Map Output Selector is hidden and the different outputs are shown as outputs
If you change between different OSL files which don't provide the same outputs sometimes the material editor gets confused, the quickest way to resolve that is to manually change the Channel Name (Compact Material Editor) or reconnect the OSL output to the material input.
If youn use the Arnold renderer make sure to use an Arnold Standard Surface instead of a Standard material!
In the first sample slot the Channel Name is not set and therefore it doesn't show the map:
The second sample slot has the Channel Name set to Col and all is fine: